blog-ity blog. just had requisite night-before exam long hot shower and thus now feel much less like myself and much more like a puddle of bliss. which is a good thing. plus I smell like vanilla and honey. mmmm... which almost compensates for the dish pan hands I know have after washing every dish in the house. and I don't usually do things like that, but no one had done the dished since Saturday and it was getting gross. and the kitchen is RIGHT in the middle of the house. you could say the choice was made for me
And mmm... after my exam tomorrow C. is coming over, and then Thursday, barring disaster, my whole family will be out at work and or school, which wil mean... privacy. which is a good thing. hopefully will cure me of jumpy impatience and whininess (but I want my exam to be over nnnooooowwww.....).
And speaking of whininess, if someone doesn't come up with a way to cure my cat of hers, I'm going to have to break her thumbs (I know, I know, she doesn't have any, but that is so beyond the point). not to say she's not adorable and that I don't love her, I do. it's just that one can only listen to yowling for so many hours before going completly insane. trust me.
And speaking of C. (okay, so I wasn't, I am now), I can tell already that tonight is one of those nights that I'm going to roll all over the whole bed and it's just going to stay too big and uncomfy all night. and cold. empty beds are not condusive to sleeping well, early maybe, but not well.
And on the topic of annoying things, where the fuck is my CD player remote?? it's been missing for at least a week now, and I have torn my whole room apart looking for is several times to no avail. WHERE IS IT??? Arg. STupid having to get up and go to CD player to control it.
But somehow time keeps passing (I know, without my permission too!! the audacity!!) and it's now approaching the hour upon which girls who have early study groups and exams to write tomorrow ought to be sleeping, so that's where I'll be. all on my lonesome.