sometimes, it's having nothign to say. Other times, it's not knowing where to start.
This'd be the latter. Until I make a bit more sense of my life, I don't even know where to begin. Maybe with a thankyou. You know who you are.

In other more coherent news, who's going to the parade of lost souls this weekend?
posted by sasha
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Where am I?

My whole sense of time has been flipped around, and it's going to take some serious convincing to get me to buy into this whole Monday morning crap after the weekend I had. Details may someday find themselves posted, but for the time being I'll just go with the fact that, since Thursday:

  • glasses of free wine consumed: somewhere in the neighbourhood of 15
  • sold out writers fest shows I got into for free: 2
  • parties in Shaughnessy mansions attended: 1
  • times I saw Patrick Lane cry: 2
  • approximate age of playwright from Toronoto who decided to strip on the terrace: 37
  • charming renowned British novelists befriended: 1
  • standing ovations given in the 17 years of writers fest history: 1
  • of those, ones that were for Shane Koyczan: well, all
  • number of poets kissed: lost count
  • hours I made it home by Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings: 3:30, 5:15, 4:30

I'm going to either go back to sleep or catch a bus to school now. Both seem equally probable.

posted by sasha
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why other people get to do fun stuff
I've been on campus by 8:30 or 9 everyday this week to get ready for and give presentations of some sort on all kinds of dense theory and history and while sititng in the library this morning I got to watch a group of biochem students building models with jubejubes and marshmallows to represent chemical compounds and other fun stuff. I'm ready to admit, if I'd known science was the "play with candy" faculty, I'd have signed up. I mean really, what can you build a jubejube model of in poli sci? The parliamenty system? Political cleaveges?

Hah! At least I get to say cleavages. cleavagescleavagescleavages!

See, need brain vacation, slowly loosing touch with "reality" -- it's all subjective anyways, right?
posted by sasha
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in the midst of a dull ass weekend of preparing presentations, Cam and I went to see Team America: World Police last night and it was viciously funny all the way from the puppet sex scene to the team America theme song (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!). I actually don't think I've laughed so much in a movie since the South Park movie. Plus I got to see ti at my local neighbourhood theatre, the only one I don't hate.

I'm going to do more research on censored romantic lit now. FUCK YEAH!
posted by sasha
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scientology make me laugh
read. mucho funny. These guys have the most F$%#ED beliefs I've encountered in far too long, including a deity who uses nukes and volcanoes to make soul amalgams. See, John Travolta has his issues too...
posted by sasha
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but what you don't realize is that this death star IS fully operational

Well okay, so I'm a nerd. I've spent the entire last week writing papers, the last of which will be finished tonight. Other than that, the only "recreational" activities I've participated in were a voluntary (aka not for one of my classes) lecture on Canadian foreign policy and hemespheric security (really, it was fascinating) and watching the VP debates at the pub on campus, and on the latter topic, a few notes:

  • Cheney looks like Darthvader sans face mask
  • and is really evil and scary
  • by contrast, Edwards looks like the "cool dad" one fo your friends in highschool had who'd let you drink in the basement but still always asked how your folks were

So here's my basic summary of what went on (I also highly reccomend the summary provided by last night's Daily Show)...

Edwards: And John Kerry and myself want to offer hugs to all of America, while hunting down and killing, killing, killing terrorists... killing them. We'll kill them. Who needs a hug? And you guys are liars.

Cheney: If I say it enough times, then will it become true? LIES! I'm using the force to reshape reality (I kept expecting him to use the force to reach out and strangle me...). And what you puny rebels don't realize it that this death star is already fully operational, unfortunate for your friends below us on the forest moon of Endor... Mooahaha. LIES! I LOVE TELLING LIES! And the American public is too dumb to question me!

Edwards: How's your GAY DAUGHTER? Say hi to your GAY DAUGHTER for me. GAY DAUGHTER GAY DAUGHTER GAY DAUGHTER !!! Group hug. I'll always stand up for little girls who die because their parents are dumb enough to let them run around on a covered pool...

Cheney: I feel the darkness within you young Edwards. Come over to the darkside and together we shall rule the galaxy!!! LIES. I refuse to acknowledge (LIES) that we've met before, becuase that'd be admitting I wasn't smart enough to have you scalped for a hairpiece.

Major points, though, are owed to Edwards for pointign out thatCheney voted against, to name a couple, meals on wheels for senoirs and freeing Nelson Mandala. Really, any man evil and bigoted enough to vote AGAINST freeing Mandala is cleary the perfect VP of The USA.

posted by sasha
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