sasha is a spayed female approximately three years old

sasha is the world's top dj in 2000
sasha is the best in blue
sasha is breakin
sasha is the biggest retail chain in ireland
sasha is jello
sasha is 4 years old
sasha is insane
sasha is published four times a year
sasha is like the uglyest person on spyder games i mean come on what is with the boys hair??
sasha is breakin' my heart these days
sasha is quite humble and would like to publicly express her thanks
sasha is very protective of me too
sasha is in need of a loving home in ca
sasha is active in helping others learn how to write
sasha is as tough as she is gorgeous
sasha is a traveler who moves from place to place on his horse and survives by making friends with other people and tribes
sasha is very high and the insurance money from her husband’s death is nearly gone
sasha is still in europe and is supposed to come by the end of this millennium
sasha is distincly absent without even the smallest mention this month in birds of prey
sasha is one of my few wild elves
sasha is also a jungian past life therapist
sasha is a calafornian corn snake

these three seem to go especially well together
sasha is the love of our lives
sasha is it the reason to live and breath
sasha is now retired from breeding

thanks for a good laugh during paper hell frank!
posted by sasha
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at least I have pretty hair

I'm working on memorizing my lines for monday, as that's when my group is responsible for presenting act one of Troilus and Cressida to my English class. But as I study these lines, I can' thelp but notice that there's something at least disturbing if not ironic about all the hours I'm spending memorizing what is a very likely candidate for "Worst Shakespeare Play Ever". I'm playing Ulysses, so at least pretty much all the decent lines in that act are mine. When I'm not working on lines, I'm doing research. On refugees. It is somehow less than uplifting -- fucking depressing one might even say. I am one.

In an attempt to stave off absolute burn out and really ugly hair I went and got a *free* haircut last night. My friend Karyn is an apprentice hairdresser and is looking for hair to cut for free Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. She works at a swanky salon by granville and 12th, and is closely watched by swanky professionals therefore guarenteed not to fuck up your hair. Tust me, she did a grogeous job on mine last night. In short, if you want a sweet free haircut, lemme know and I'll hook you up (sorry, girl hair only for the next few weeks, but boy hair starting soon). Okay, end of sales pitch.

I am getting more and more anxious in my anticipation of end of term, plotting all the christmas season festivities I want to participate in, including a good possibility for a party chez moi sometime next month. Mmmm parties. Mmmm christmas -- an excuse for extra shopping, extra cooking, extra parties, extra time with family, and extra eating (I'm picturing shortbread here...). But for now, it's still paper time, and I really ought to be thumbing throught the lastest editions of the International Migration Review. sigh. I'd rather be eating cookies.
posted by sasha
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raindrops keep falling on my head

well, another squishy wet vancouver weekend. i just got home from a super exciting trip to the laundry mat and now get to do tons of school work. yay. my life is just sooo glamorous these days.

the santana concert, however, was fucking awsome, especially when carlos calle dout bush and refered to us as the other half of america who opposes bush at every turn. yeah, pretty sweet. certainly the most fun i've had in awhile. nothing kicks ass like super fat live guitar solos.
posted by sasha
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tick, tick

two hours till Santana!!!!!!!!! And I've even already found something to wear.
posted by sasha
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i can't help but notice some sort of theme... except maybe the last one

You are Morpheus-
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Guinness. My goodness my guinness. You are dark and
mysterious. There is something people just
can't describe about you, besides that you love
head. You are a good one, but can only be
handled by a small percentage of the population
(unless you're in Ireland).

Which Beer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by sasha
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when friday feels like monday

one paper done and handed in as of yesterday, one paper to write this weekend, hence no actual weekend for me. At least we get tuesday off next week. I'm still very sleepy.

posted by sasha
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one thing at a time

I am writing a paper. My universe consists of books, articles, pens, lots of paper, a little bit of internet, and a whole lot of multiple regression analysis tables. Aren't electoral studies just so much fun? I mean, I know I should be deeply intrigued by the impact of religiosity on political information levels, but frankly, I'm a bit sick of this crap. And after I finish writing this paper, I will be writing another paper, this time on the bard, and possibly on expressions of interiority and national identity in Henry V, which is quite possibly the only essay topic in the universe more dull than my current one, hence I am seeking a replacement. And shortly after I finish that paper, I will be writing another paper, but finally one on something interesting: the UN High Commission on Refugees. Really, I'm dying of excitement, and my dazzeling social life is the envy of all who know me... or something.
posted by sasha
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