2011: Rules of Engagement
The future isn't tomorrow anymore, so we have to at least live in today.
Certain forms of regressive shit will have to cease, so we can let go of yesterday.
As such, the following are required:
  • the ability to dance like nobody's watching when CCTV is breathing right the fuck down your neck
  • a differentiation between conservatism and conservationism and reconciliation of economy and ecology
  • wire cutters, as the first step toward wresting electronic control (which your dell box is sure as hell not up to) and DIY cyberspace
  • serious ass kicking boots
  • a safe place to practice telepathy, or at least exercises in mass will
  • spot on, personal-sized blindfold detectors
  • at least seven new ways to say fuck off (particularly, "fuck off, you buy it!")
  • sewage system overhauls to reduce - with the aim of eventual elimination - global bullshit capacity
  • telescoping necks for the masses - look, they stick out!
  • secret stashes of fiber optics for electrons, which want to be free
  • a bell that rings anytime someone says, "hell no" and/or "no more"
  • pin heads to dance on
  • the ability to build revolution out of spit, perseverance, and necessity
posted by sasha
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