Okay, so why is it that unless C. is around to lull me into prolonged slumber with his all powerfull sleep-vibes, I remain totally unable to get a decent bloody night's sleep in our new place??? Instead I end up with a kind of asleep for two hours/awake for two hours pattern which WOULD be fine if I could actually be functional for those hours I was awake (which I am not at all) or if I could alot sixteen hours a night to sleeping (gee, that'd be frickin' nice!) but no. So naturally, I am not a cheerful person this morning. Or at least, I wasn't until I downed an entire steaming cauldron of some strange and over-caffinated brew that the good folks at Blenz call a Nutcracker (yes, that's right, a nutcracker... freaks!) and thus now am completely wired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully this caffine/sugar high will carry me long enough to accomplish my goals of the day:
1. Figure out why the hell Darwin spent so much of his time on the Galapogos Islands flinging lizards into the water (further proof of the fact that truth is clearly stranger than fiction my friends... and poor lizards, I'm not even sure yet if they were an aquatic varitey...)
2.Determine just why, after WWII, genes became the new holy grail of science when ALL they really do is replicate protiens
3. Convince Louis Assasiz that he's a Eugenicist and Herbert Spencer that he's not (otherwise none of this Science/Society crap makes ANY sense!)
4. Figure out how the fuck the ever arogant, frequently flamboyant Dr. Richardson is going to test me on any of this crap.
Sigh. It's gonna be a long frickin' day. Have more fun than I am going to, okay?
posted by sasha
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