
ewww... essay hell. This is gross. I hate it and am stuck again. And only just over half done. In the spirit of misery loving company, here's my companion to Coeur's list of
Ten Things I Have to Do While Writing An Essay, for Procrastination Purposes:
1. Read everyone I know's blog/website. twice.
2. Check up on my Nation State (see linky)
3. Smoke
4. Make tea and eat a cookie
5. Shower and remove hair from anywhere I can think of
6. Play a round of pocket tanks
7. Smoke more
8. Go get a coffee
9. Do several dozen situps
10. Read online war news
Can I have an 11 too?? Hey wait, it's my website, I can do anything I want.
11. Bang my head against the wall. repeatedly.
posted by sasha
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