okay, am I the only one who can't get to Keri's website, or is this some kind of more widespread problem? Because I know that my internet connection has been absolutely FUCKED lately (hear that shaw?? FUCKED!!!) but I do seem, at least everynow or then, when the light on my modem blessedly stops flashing red, to go everywhere but Keri's page... any ideas??

I too have been bored and lonely lately, but the only way that's going to change is by finishing all my papers so I can see friends again, which, since all my papers combine to equal about 15,000 words, will be awhile (excepting ONE evening for Nat while he's in town). Of course, I you all each wrote a paper for me, I could be free by the weekend... well, at least think about it, okay?
posted by sasha
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