
or else I'm easily confused. But I swear, yesterday was fucked up. I did get a substantial amount of school reading done, but also

#1- got a Sears card with $1000 of credit and my name on it in the mail (bah?? but 2.4% is a pretty good monthly rate when combined with no annual fees...) so the debate: to activate or not to activate, otherwise put, to establish credit rating or to play it safe? but then again, maybe I'm already safe, since what the hell am I going to spend a grand on at sears??

#2- Elliott brought over mail including my T4 from Santa Barbara and so I actually did my taxes - I had no idea I'd payed over $900 in taxes this year, I thought it'd be way lower since I only worked from the end of April to the beginning of September, but hey, I guess I was making better scratch than I thought. My point? Six to eight weeks from now, the governemnt is sending me a grand. That's two grand so far, and I'm feeling very rich but then I realize, IT'S ALL FAKE!!! one grand is money I have to pay back, and the other is money I already paid... makes me think that wealth is this society is pretty fucked up, if I can feel rich off the ability to owe money and getting money owed to me returned. hmmm.

#3- recieved e-mail from old, old Loud Productions-days friend who has in his posession my Callahan's autographed collection (if you don't know what that is, ask me soon and I will bless you) and wants to get together to give it to me. So far so good, he's nice and I guess it'd be nice to catch up, but at the same time, this is the old friend who got me hated by a Santa B. coworker for telling her that I was his ideal perfect girl, and so on. hhhmmm again. Well, I want the book, and maybe he wants his annual, "No, I'm not single yet, nor will I be any time soon, or possibly ever, and even if I was I wouldn't neccessarily date you." Ahhh fun.

And then #4- I went on line to the TA Union's website and discovered that they're picketing the Buchanan complex today and I, therefore, have no classes. YES!!!

See, good but strange. Today should be less eventful. School reading unless I get a call to go and pick up my Callahan's and then a return visit to see Chloe, and then a visit from C. See, I'm not hard to please.
posted by sasha
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