those assholes just ate my whole post. and it was a nice angsty post too, all about how I had three papers I had to be writing, and loaned all of my money (less $13) to my mom when she was all of the sudden short for rent and how my skin has turned into the worst shit it has veer been in my life, and my right shoulder muscles are all fucked up and make my arm numb every now and then, and how I wasn't even sure I was going to have enough money for contact lens solution or parking and busfare for school this week, but how at this point I'd give all that up before I'd stop smoking, because that at least temporarily bonds together the bits of my threatening to run away and implode. but it's all gone, cuz god hates me. we already knew that though, didn't we?

I'd also mentioned that Nat is coming to town next weekend, and I for one am planning on ignoring all of my papers for an evening to see him, and everyone else should see him to, and wouldn't it be fun if we could all get together? but that bit got eaten too. I am the eaten one.
posted by sasha
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