eugh. homework day. i'd much rather curl up in bed with a good book. godd smelling split pea soup is bubbling on the stove. it's a comfort food kind of day. especially because i have to read utilitarian theory -- ewww!!!

my hair's a new colour now, thanks to the talented hands of chloe, and more frivolous items were posted to the victoria branch-office today -- both locations, and I have even heared word that the long-absent agent N is coming for a visit later this month to go to the Ceili (fun irish dance) on the 20somethingth. Which would be awsome, since he's certainly not around often enough and much missed.

friends are the ultimate comfort food. i'm feeling very hesitant lately, don't quite know where to start, what to do, how to make stuff work. feeling pulled several directions at once. anxious, hence I need comfort food and hugs. lots of hugs. and *sigh* a job, I suppose, next month... mmmmpppfffff.
posted by sasha
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