Something's been bugging me lately (no surprise) and one of the reasons it's been eating away at me so effectively is because I think it's something that went under discussed and far too few people are aware of.
I hate american apparel. Why? Because how sad is it that this big 'uber-ethical' clothing company is so unethical I can't bring myself to shop there? My problem with them is the way the owner, Dov Charney, sexually harasses and intimidates his employees. I've read a number of interview with him, as well as testimony from women who have worked for him and frankly, he disgusts me. He's know for displaying pornography in his office, masturbating in front of people in his office and on the factory floor, and generally running around with his genitals on display in a show of domination and aggression aimed at his mostly female staff. Some defenders argue that he is just sexually liberated, but the accounts I have read suggest that it is more about shame and intimidation, and I really thought we were passed the era where it was acceptable for a male boss to do such things. In essence, despite not using sweatshop labour, he still exploits his staff, and in a way that is not all that much less disturbing. I won't shop there.
Read some corroboration. He's also anti union.