I must be starting to go crazy by now. It's too hot in this apartment to even think straight and I'm in front of the computer, trying to compile a unit plan on Romeo and Juliet. 6th of August, back to school ads have already started blaring across the TV any evening I flip it on seeking distraction, and I haven't even finished school yet. The idea of 'back' is ludicrous.
I just want to be swimming. I've been making it to Jericho to throw myself in the ocean at least about once a week, which isn't all that bad, but it's hard to really enjoy anything when yet another 'term project' is always looming. Instead of swimming until I get tired, it's trying to make sure I don't get to tired, because you guessed it, there's still work to do. I feel like just jumping in and swimming until I dissolve into calcareous ooze and become just another layer of the ocean floor. I feel like dueling with starfish.
I can write an infinite number of paragraphs staring with 'I,' which is the first sign of cabin fever.