i will graduate in november this time, in the icy drizzle not the scorched blossoms of may like last year. if i go for the ceremony, they will add a light blue stripe to the black robe with blue stripe i earned last year only since this whole monk garb symbolism is lost on me, i can't make myself get excited. right now, i feel the build up to no closure and another weird shift underway but i still think it's more like i'm being dragged behind while my life is leading me.
around and around and around she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows. members of my family can't stop dreaming up new careers for me either - my grandma says law school
(groan) and my mom predicted journalism the other day
(hmm, does that include my plans to kidnap George Stroumboulopoulos? Oh yes, his show willl be mine). will i ever be able to hold still? why can't we all just agree on this career i'm headed into - it looks great to me. yet i suppose i understand, because i am always spinning to something new.