On Coeur's site the other day I saw an old wondernet chat between her and Marilee, and that got me thinking about where this site's title came from. Coeur used to spend a lot of time chatting with people (mostly from Virtual High) on this wondernet (bbs intranet type shite) thing, and whenever I got that chance, I'd be there with her. Instead of envying her that shinny wonderful thing called an internet conection that pretty much no one (especially not me) had back then, I just spent every possible second at her house on her computer with her.

We chatted with a bunch of people, but the ones I remember the most were (for the purposes of this story anyways) Allen and McGill, two guys in PoCo or some other ungodly suburb like that. And we used to chat with them for hours, about subjects such as saving the world from space mutants, clear plastic cat suits (okay, that wasn't OUR idea...) and etc. And that's where, somehow, I was named the compassionate telepath, and allegedly I was supposed to sit around in a field of flowers, but on one of my moodier days that was switched to a field of landmines. So this website is named after my online alter-ego, as created by boys from the burbs. But I think it fits.

Oh those were the days though, I'd be at Coeur's at least 2 or so nights a week, our 13 year old selves draped around her desk, or later in different rooms, wrapped around phones once Coeur was brave enough to give them her number. And it was all this big game, nuances, hints, dueling, dancing, while no one ever actually had to say anything. Of course, we eventually made the mistake of agreeing to meet them in real life (aka in person), and of course when we all met, none of us, despite having spent the better part of days talking to one another, knew what to say. That's pretty much where the story ended for me, but maybe Coeur'll tell y'all how it really ended someday. And luv, if you still have any of those old chats, send 'em my way?? Please?? I'm feeling nostalgic.
posted by sasha
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