/me is losing her leaves

Top ten list:

  1. What's with this constant idea that we should *deal* with everything? Can we just move on?
  2. Canada's military should not have an aggressive mandate in Afghanistan. Otherwise, we become the imperialists (like now). (Groan). And we should be over that shit by now.
  3. Fall can be so beautiful.
  4. The everyday machinery of life is grinding me into salisbury steak, and an army of ants is about to tear me apart and render me meaningless.
  5. Peter MacKay is our Minister of Foreign Affairs. Whawhawhat?? He couldn't even keep Belinda loyal, how can we trust him with our allies?
  6. Since bloody when does Canada have allies and enemies? Further evidence of how war on intangibles bleeds over into a militarization of society at large, and every day life.
  7. The company who owns the company I work for paid for product placement in an SUV ad. I saw it on TV and wanted to cry. Capitalism is making a mockery of the very notion of ethics.
  8. There's a fly in my lemonade. No really, it just landed there, seconds ago.
  9. My lemonade is now a metaphor for life.
  10. I'm avoiding answering the questions everyone's been asking, so please consider relenting.
  11. I'm becoming the kind of girl who writes 11-item top ten lists.
posted by sasha
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