mmm what a nice sunny friday morning. I'm now done my first set of summer classes, which means there's only one left - hard to believe, but I might actually finish school. Not that I'm actually quite ready to contemplate that yet, but that'll come especially once I, say, get a job and all that nonsense.
Tomorrow is Vanessa's wedding, which will be the focal point for this weekend. Still nervous about seeing a few people there, especially ye olde estranged father, but what can you do? SUch is the *joy* of weddings. My favorite baby cousin isn't coming, so there goes my original plan of just sticking her on my hip and cooing all day, ignoring everyone else. C'est la vie, I suppose I'll have to socialize and avoid getting into any even remotely serious conversations with my father or grandpa - in either case it's liable to get ugly. Me and my absentee male family members. At least Cam's coming, otherwise... I don't even want to think about it.
The lack of baby is certainly a low point. There's something about spending time with really little people. They're better than prozak and chocolate - just so harmonizing. ust find and borrow baby... actually, since Vanessa's getting married, maybe she'll take on saving me from having to have my own.
(hey, kidding, okay? don't take *me* seriously*)
I'm going to fold flower boxes for the wedding now.