Dear Government,
I know you know how excited I am to be wracking up countless (okay, maybe countable, I'm just not willing to try) thousands of dollars in student debt so I can go and perform a public service, but it's really tough to stay excited when we're expected to spend the first month of school wihtout any money at all. I know you said 3-7 business days, and that in governemnt-ese that really means at least two weeks, but really, what are we supposed to do about books until then? We could do what I've done, and wrack up some lovely credit card debt in order to avoid starting the year a month behind, but then there's the little problem of that credit being unavaliable for things I'm really fond of like being fed (for 3-7 "government business days"). Not that I'm complaining or anything, it's just that if a bank or any other sort of organization offered to extend me a loan to go to school that wouldn't come through until a month after classes start, I'd take my business/debt elsewhere. Ahh Canadian government, helping the poor stay just a few steps behind since 1867...

And I admit, I'm not in danger of starving, but it's kind of the principle of the thing...
posted by sasha
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