not another standard "yay canucks" blog

in fact, I won't lie, I'm hoping they get swept in round 2. That's right, swept. Why? Mostly to piss off all those people who really actually don't give the flyingist of fucks about hockey but have all of the sudden found a nice bandwagon they can hop effortlessly onto. I mean really, how many of these instant brand-new fuckface nucks fans actually watched before they heared they were on fire and virtually unbeatable? I'm not saying none, I'm just saying none of the ones who spent all night the night before last banging on shit on the corner of broadway and commercial, where I was forced to suffer though their pathetic and primative display amidst the anguish of a fresh post-insanely-long-polisci-final headache.

Screw the bandwagon. My chant for the next week (or weeks, should it *shudder* prove neccesary) is "choke clutier, choke clutier, choke clutier, choke" or alternatively "smash naslund, crush naslund, make naslund cry. check naslund, trip naslund, canucks go bye-bye". Yeah, okay, you can all jump on me abou thow evil Ireally am, but at least I haven't all of the sudden started identifying myself with something that I'd never before given a fuck about. I never said you had to like me.

In other news, despite the fact that no one will read this bit, having all been chased away and now wishing I was dead, I now only have three final exams remaining, and they are schedueled in such a way that I literally do not have a single spare second until Tuesday at 2 when I finish my last one. Oh well, there was nothing else I wanted to do other than studying, right? Oh wait, except moving and finding a job so I can continue to eat. shit. oh well. and as far as the move goes, if all continues on plan, it will occur on Saturday the 3rd of May.
posted by sasha
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