buy me

Job hunting is really quite a mind fuck. Hi, I'm inexplicably cheerful and really interested in doing all the crap you don't want to do for a meagre wage. Would you like boobs with that? Because yes, as you can see on my resume I have several years of customer service experience, but face it, we can both tell you think those are my biggest qualification for being allowed to serve food and booze to the classless morons who dump themselves into your pre-fab, psudo-cool, but utlimately generic 'bistro' every Friday night.

But on the other hand, I do need a job, to facilitate rent paying and all of the other wonderful bills life tends to accumulate. And one where I make tips would be good, right? I mean, kind of evil, given that how cute some dork thinks I am=how much money I get. Whoring, of a sort. But that's not ALL there is to it, right? Mostly people tips for good service, right? sigh. Well, I do need a job.
posted by sasha
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