sweet! My english in-class essay this Friday morning has officially been postponed to next week. One less thing I have to think about, and that, my friends, is a good thing. In honour of that, I officially declare today "Day of the Run-on Sentences"!!!

I love main library this time of day, it's so nice and quiet, and the computers actually function at a reasonable speed cuz virtually no one's using them, and all the evil clones have retreated into their dens for the night, so it's just a nice big room full of my own quiet thoughts, inside a big old stone building with scary portraits of past deans hanging on the walls. It's so nice to be able to sit anywhere on campus and not have to listen to the relentless yammering of a thousand drones, disscussing the true merits of shoe shopping, mustache bleaching, and other things I'd much rather not have discussed inside these (alleged) hallowed halls of learning, cell phones ringing all the while in a symphony of discordant beep-bleep electronica musak. Peace at least.

And all in all it's been a peaceful past few days in the KINGDOM OF S, with my family staying away enough and my friends staying close enough to hold me in the soothing embrace of sanity. I've realized that my needs are actually very few, the occasional (alright, near-daily) stroll around Trout Lake, warm cups of kick-in-the-head strong coffee, the company of someone who loves me (here's looking at you monsie), long enough periods of no one else at home so that I can actually remember what I look like under my clothes, and downloaded episodes of the sopranos newest season. Other similar combinations may also be applicable (eg. laying around in Agent Coeur's bed). Okay, so those aren't exactly the fewest or simplist needs, so maybe I'm just lucky that the universe has the grace to grant them to me, every now and then.

At this point February is shaping up to be a month of madness, beginning in Victoria (with a drinky-poo or two?), on through to one little sister's birthday the following monday, C's schoolistration, several midtems, my other little sister's birthday (the day after valentine's, which I do not celebrate), reading break/a chance for C and I to celebrate our fifth anniversary, and then of course, more mid terms. But there are enough good things sandwitched in there that I remain optimistic. Yes, that's right, I'm back and remaining optimistic. I know what you're thinking... and the flowers in my field are just starting to bloom again (really, I've seen crocuses and blossoms, and even a rhododendron). I don't know where my usual dose of idealism went, I'm just glad it's back.
posted by sasha
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