mmm another day. and I actually got my student loan cash yesterday, which means today I can actually go and buy books and thus stop being so damned behind on my reading. not that I'm really that enthused about reading 150 pages of plato, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. This includes ranting about that stupid stilletto trend. I mean, okay, you know me, I have no objection, in principal anyways, to sexy shoes. I just object to people who missuse them, such as wearing them to school everyday, and ending up like the girl I saw yesterday juming up and down triyg to dislodge her heel from the sewer grate. Girlie, you looked like a jackass. and a stupid one at that. Ladies, don't let yourself fall into her shoes (trust me, they're really not comfortable).

Coeur says I should go back to Victoria to visit her again soon, and she's probably right, but she also says she's coming to town soon, so maybe it's futile for me to start planning my trip until she starts planning hers, but just in case not, I'm starting to think about making the trek on the weekend of Feb. 1st/2nd, or maybe the one following that. Depending on stuff. You know how it goes.

In other news, my comment form seems to have magically vanished... and (sad confession time) I don't know how to fix it, or even how it broke. It was still fine and happy yesterday, where did it go today?? Sigh. Time to go find out what Plato's so sorry for.
posted by sasha
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