Well, I had a brief identity crisis when someone mentioned that I'd disappeared, and I was like, wait, I'm right here... and so here I am. I am about to tackle a giant mountain of aristotle, which has been looming over me for several days, threatening to collapse and crush me. But I also have finally made concrete plans for the impending Victoria trip, and have also made my room smell like bergamot and ylang-ylang (so good they had to name it twice...) and these are all things that make me happy, and help to counteract the pressure of Aristotle and a rapidly closing english in-class essay. The nice thing, however, about in-class essays, is that if your prof is nice like mine, then you don't get a topic or anything before hand, so there's nothing you can do about it until you sit down in class to write it. Takes much less time that conventional essay type crap.

I've also had a couple of absolutely sublime visits with C lately, proving that we have finally broken free of that evil curse that made us find somthing stupid to fight about everytime we got together. Thank the gods, because I really couldn't have taken much more of it. And really, it seemed to happen without either of us actually causing it (which in reality, due to my complete lack of objectivity on this matter, means it was all my fault) but yeah, no more, and that is good, because nothing throws me into vertigo faster than my when solice and shelter from all things nasty seems to be going bad. But it's not. It's good.

But really, I am going to do homework now. You probably should too (and if you really don't have any, you're welcome to come do some of mine...).
posted by sasha
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