Okay, so I couldn't resist the blog template named for a Leonard Cohen song, even if the animation is a titch cheesy. For now, anyways.
I received a really nice 2 disk Cohen compilation for Christmas from my sister and listening to it reminds me why he's a Canadian great. I never had much patience for the poetry of Atwood, and I think I'd agree to a flogging in order to be spared the works of Mr. Bowering, the current laureate, so rekindling my love for Canadian poetry is increasingly necessary. I fell in love with Leonard Cohen when I was 12 or so and have heard and read many of his poems over and over. I'm still occasionally haunted by lines of his read years ago. Perhaps its his uncanny ability to stay relevant and current rather than belonging to one time or place. The Future is one of his best examples of that kind of hauntingly current verse. Go have a listen.
Then again, I think I've been humming Susanne for at least a decade...