because you can't stop the chaos

whew. things never fail to be interesting, but it is useful to remember a few things (especially if you're me):

- chances are, you can't drink as much tequilla as someone twice your size. doubly that if they grew up partly in South America.
- in an in-class essay, your professor is happy merely to encounter some degree of coherent thought. you are not applying for a nobel prize in lit.
- moms need support too, especially when they get thinking they're to old to do anything new (trust me, I'm sending mine off the contenent for her first time)
- you don't recieve a credit card unless you are urgently going to need it in the very near future due to some completely unforseeable circumstance (see above)
- bored? sleep. you won't always have that luxury, and when it's gone, you will miss it bitterly

mood: spinny music: daft punk odor: london cool
posted by sasha
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