Outside they say it's June but it still looks like May - no real summer yet, no beaches, and just more of the same. I wrapped up my first course last week and it was splendid, but now the next looms, set to start just days from now while I'm still finalizing marks from the last one. The world's a fascinating place but I just haven't had time for revelations lately. Maybe it will help being at one school instead of three this summer.
In my free time lately (ha! free time?) it's been the new Zelda on Wii. Mmm slaying trolls. There something about the way an RPG never strays too much from the classic format that has made the whole game make some sense to me even though I've never really played anything like it. Follow the clues about "strange goings on," and collect items until you're powerful enough to take on (insert name of evil wizard or demon thingy here). Ahh the simple life, when good and evil is determined by "can I target it?"
But now it's back to marking exams. See you at the beach.