the way things go
It's hard to find something to blog about when you get stuck in the whole work cycle and it starts
that's right, no brains left here. Sometimes I think my students slurp them directly out of my head with straws. It's almost relentless. I think we see more of each other than any of us see of our families or friends. And every night I go to class and am like,
LEARN. Are you smarter yet? LEARN.
And they're mostly a really hard working group, so they mostly do learn, but sometimes it drives me CRAZY because the people who most need to hear what I'm saying are the people who are like
BLAH BLAH BLAH. I already know this. I'll just distract others.
And it makes you want to smack them upside the head because you're like,
no, actually, you don't know how to structure an essay. And I can tell because I mark everything you write. :)
posted by sasha
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