Maybe it's something as completely straight forward as how I was raised, but I demolish books like practically no one else I know. I have way more book than I can justify owning lining the walls of my living room and bedroom, most of which I've read twice (and some of which, in my youth, I read a dozen or so times). When I meet new literary types, I have to admit that potentially gaining access to their library isn't the furthest thing from my mind. After KO moved in, pretty much the first thing I did was read every book she owns, a habit I've probably had ever since devouring my mom's collection growing up.
My point: I pretty much always have a book in hand. A good book = contentment. And do you know what I have to read right now? NOTHING!
A journey of a thousand pages begins with one good story. Any suggestions?
(p.s. - Cam has performed yet another tech miracle and gotten me back online, so expect e-mail responses and the like to resume)