spring break?
I think that's what's been going on, although there's still been too much erand running and waking up early for me to be quite sure, and it's already getting on in the week to the point where I know I have to get back to work soon. *okay, slow down*
so this morning, I'm sitting on the couch in my pyjamas drwoning out the construction across the alley with Bob Dylan. And sipping coffee.
Tomorrow the schoolwork begins.
yesterday, I went shopping and ate sushi with Katia.
Cam bought a bottle of bombay saphire the other night, and there has also been haagen das in the house. Nat is moving out. Him and his mom have a place in white rock, near his dad's boat. I'm participating in a study on how optimists and people who believe that good things are possible think. They're interviewing me on Friday.
Back at it in a few days.
*head down*
no! *head on a pillow*
It's just okay. It's just that these days seem to melt away, and I'm still feeling afternoon nap deprivation.
*I didn't WANT to make sense*
posted by sasha
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