I can finally see spring break peaking around the corner, and it sure looks good. Survived another week brutally short on sleep and running my butt off, and it even had some high points such as a student I coached placing second in a city-wide speech competition (the same one I placed 2nd in when I was in grade 11, to bring things full circle).

I'm still jumpy, emotional, and over-worked, but ever trudging onwards, and I do have a handful of really positive experiences from my practicum so far to draw on for future inspiration. Some of the details, personalities, and politics are still making my head swim. Everyone, I think, ends up developing their own teaching style, and as much as the job of the student teacher is really to try to become their sponsor teacher as best they can, I still feel so strongly that my best classes have happened when I was able to just be myself. There must be a happy medium somewhere.
posted by sasha
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