I almost had my first breakdown today. Something in the range of three hours of sleep last night because I just couldn't fall asleep, and then three classes to teach in a row today, from 8:30 to 12:55, without so much as a free 30 seconds to pee. That's a bloody long time to have to perform, non-stop and super publically. There's no one more watched and on display than student teachers, I swear. My new socials 10 classes make me feel like I'm teaching to a brick wall. They won't exhibit any form of thought, engagement, or life even if you beg. I actually felt like I was biting my lip to keep from crying for most of the afternoon after my classes, though I'm pretty sure it was just a culmination of stress and exhaustion. It's going to be a rough run. Thanks gods, tomorrow I'm on just my lovely humanities 8 class again, who will reap the benefits of being my preferred class this week, for sure.

Nap time now, and then back to the ENDLESS amount of work. I have never met a harder working species of humans than teachers. They end up so busy and stretched so thin, sometimes I think it even endangers the intergrity of the profession.
posted by sasha
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