natural selection?
lately I hate: the bullshit myth of the autonomous liberal individual.

Natural selection does suggest that the best adapted species and members thrive and have the best chance of surviving in the long term (OTSS, only the strong survive, is roughly the present-day oversimplification fo this idea). Humans, however, have never been especially good on their own. Individually, we're awful slow, soft, tasty, and defenseless - a perfect mid-morning snack for lions, cheetahs, and that whole class of bigger, faster, tougher, toothier creatures who sometimes do admirably well on their own. Ape creatures like us did well for themselves by grouping up and taking care of each other. In numbers, we found safety and proserity. We're social animals. No human ever really "makes it on their own" and I think the whole idea that "behind every good man is a great woman," rather than suggesting that only men who have good taste or luck with women are likely to becoem world leaders, really gets at the idea that to prosper in our lives, we all need the support of others, and the more support we have, the better chance we have of realizing our dreams.

This, of course, has political ramifications. For example, it means that electing Stephen harper would be very bad for our species' continued success.

I have to go to school now.
posted by sasha
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