meme theft
You are a unique snowflake - just like everyone else.
It's no fun if no one else plays...
Four jobs you’ve had in your life: pub waitress, Italian deli manager, dot com "Communications Director," Amnesty International canvasser

Four movies you could watch over and over: The Life of Brian, any of the Clerks series, The Big Lebowski, and anything Depp, especially Blow, Benny and June, and a few others.

Four places you’ve lived: Past tense means not where I live now, right? Calgary, Bella Coola, Brackendale, Victoria.

Four TV shows you love to watch(non tv watchers can substitute magazines they read): Four is a bit of a stretch, but I'll try. The Daily Show and Colbert Report count for two, then American Dad, and ah... oh yeah, good old Simpsons.

Four websites you visit daily: Get Your War On (not quite daily, but hey!), The Tyee (see previous disclaimer), Nationstates.net (come visit Idealisime), and either the UBC student service centre, or the UBC Faculty of Education site.

Four of your favorite foods: tortellini, strawberries, seafood (crab, lobster, scallops, mussels, salmon, prawns, etc. etc.), and tomatoes.

Four places you’d rather be: Mexico, Greece (Paros, if I have to be specific, Santa Maria beach if I have to narrow it down further), and Ottawa and Paris for the last two, but only short term to skate the canal (the former) and see awsome art (the latter).

Four favorite books: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein, So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams, Child of the Morning by Pauline Gedge, and Stardance (the whole trilogy can be purchased in one book, so it counts as one, right?) by Spider and Jeanne Robinson.
posted by sasha
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