watching re-runs
That's what it's like watching federal political news right now. I can't honestly believe that we really still require another rights movement. After the civil rights and women's rights movements, it is insane that we still have to have a whole new battle over the same issues, and that somehow there are people who are able to pretend AND convince themselves that discriminating against people on the basis of who they sleep with or want to marry is still justifiable. We've kicked the state so far out of the bedrooms of the nation that in some cases we've not done enough to protect people from domestic violence, but somehow if those two people share certain physiological characterists, it's a matter for legislation? Anyone who believes in truly equal rights for women and men, it seems to me, would have to support gay rights since they come down to the same thing: laws that specify restrictions based on gender. Seriously, how do these Neocons really think it affects them at all?? Don't we have more important issues to spend our lawmakers' time on than issues that were decided decades ago? (I heard there was some stuff going on in the Middle East...)
posted by sasha
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