beautiful day in the neighbourhood
beautiful day, beautiful commercial drive, beautiful people, oh how I love being on vacation. True enough it's only till Monday and I have like 50,000 things I'm supposed to do between now and then, but I'm determined to enjoy it while it lasts.

On another note, I'd like to extend my personal congatulations to Ms. Carr, who thanks to a competent and effective performance in the debate the other night, has actually put the greens on the map as a viable contender for seats in the BC legislature. Since the debate, all news coverage etc. has refered to the "three main parties" and her face is being flashed right alongside Carol and Gordo, which represents a level of credibility and legitimacy for the greens that has neevr been seen in this province before. Not that I'm saying I personally will be voting green, but there is something truly lovely about watching two educated and articulate women pull down an arrogant, patriarchal, white male politician like Gordo, isn't there?
posted by sasha
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