Time to finish my paper. As the long weekend draws to a close, after Cam's birthday and Easter with his family and mine, the last day of the long weekend finds me in front of the computer urgently trying to finish a paper that has to be e-mailed to my prof this afternoon. Well, maybe not quite that urgently, as you can tell. I'm really ready to quit writing essays.
But Easter with my family was lovely as always, and I found out Kat got accepted to creative writing at UVic, which was her first choice, so soon she'll be over there terrorizing the island too. I always get a kick out of comparing mine and Cam's family holiday traditions. This year, his birthday coincided with Easter, and we went out to his mom's and sat around eating Easter eggs and sipping drinks until ham dinner time. mmmHamDinner. With my family, we still do the whole Easter egg hunt thing, complete with clues full of puns and allusions, and we always have crepes for dinner. mmmCrepeDinner. I guess I'm just lucky that I get to do both, only we did forget to dye Easter eggs this year.
What Kind of Desia and Said Anti-Global Capitalism Radical are You? (or, Sasha finds a cheesy way to make her research seem like fun)
a) isolationist -
you oppose all globalization in favour of retreating into a cave and fending for ourselves. People who look different probably scare you; otherwise you think we should isolate ourselves for the good of the world so we can't do any more harm. b) supporter -
not really any kind of radical at all, you think embracing free market capitalism for all its worth is a brilliant idea. In fact, the only reason we don't yet live in Utopia is because we keep insisting on regulating the market, yo.c) reformist -
you believe having a United Nations and World Bank may well be a good idea, the problem is just when you rig the system in favour of lazy-ass first-worlders like us at the expense of, oh say Africa. You probably started swearing you'd always loved Coldplay when front man Chris Martin started writing "MAKE TRADE FAIR .COM" on his hand before every photo shoot, and terms like Grameen banking roll off your tongue like pepper spray off a protester.d) alternative -
pro-people power, you fight for the retention of public and de-marketized space since you think escape from the market is necessary for coming up with alternatives. You already know that Beetle Nebuchadnezzar aka Don Durito, Errant Knight, is the true author of Subcommandante Marcos' Zapatista communiqués and probably have a shattered Starbucks window sign in your bedroom, a trophy from all that smashing you did in Seattle.