Today in Junkmail
A selection of subject lines from my hotmail junkmail today. I'm not even going to guess what they were actually for. Actually, except one, which is funny because it's so obvious.

- support group 289 taxidermists
- quasiorder pilferage hippy
- # 1 Seller....Jack Rabbit Vibrator
- columbus isochronal

Now, number two is utterly beyond me. With regard to number four, our friends at google, with help from the nice folks at dictonary dot com, have the following contriibution: i·soch·ro·nal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-skr-nl) or i·soch·ro·nous (-ns)
1. Equal in duration.
2. Characterized by or occurring at equal intervals of time.

Not that that actually helps or anything. I'm going to finish my discourse analysis that's due tonight now...
posted by sasha
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