A total of 226 armed conflicts have been recorded for the years 1946-2002. Of these, 116 were active in the period 1989-2002, including 31 in 2002...
Source: Journal of Peace Research, p. 593, 40(5), 2003

Today is reading day. That quote above is from the uplifting little gem I get to start with. Ahh it's so lovely/depressing to be back at school. I have to give our poli sci department credit for it's amazing ability to come up with the most uplifting course topics though. This term I'm enrolled in a heart warming Security Studies course on internal conflict using the case studies of Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Yugoslavia, and of course, Rwanda.

On the whole though, my course load does look pretty good, despite the fact that I only got into my last class yesterday (the above-mentioned security studies), and beyond that I'm taking a political philosophy course on the theory of justice and justice as fairness by our century's greatest political theorist, John Rawls, a great Can Lit course with WH New's prodigy Lisa Grekul (WH New being a very well respected lit critic and van poet and writer extraordinare) which is focusing on all modern, cross cultural Can Lit (read: no Atwood -- hurray!!), my standard and required french course, and for a science credit, computer science 100 -- Tyler Soon would be proud, I have my first class on binary tomorrow. So yeah, that's a bit of everything and more than enough to ensure that I'm in no danger of getting bored (let alone -- and god forbid -- having free time). Also in the works soon: buying a new computer.

But first, a nap. (And by that I mean some political philosophy reading).
posted by sasha
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