sasha is still approximately three years old

today is friday, and I shall now begin to spend my weekend the same way I have spent the past three days: studying for my two toughest finals, both of which (oh joy of joys) shall occur on Monday. In order to combat the intense cabin fever I was beginning to feel (as well as defend against catty-life-dictating roomate syndrom) I fled to the 'burbs and did two days of solid reading at C's place, and tomorrow and Sunday I'm headed onto campus to meet with various study groups. See, I really am having fun.

In terms of actual recreational activities, I've done basically diddly-squat, except a breif appearance at a slam on manoday which was buckets of fun with the exception of my mother dropping the bomb that she plans to leave for the uk then india for up to 3 years in january. fun. now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and try to figure out why feminists all get wet at the mere mention of John Stuart Mills.
posted by sasha
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