all the time I might have spent - even intended to spend - blogging lately has been devoted to the hunt for the perfect template, and I haven't even found one worth trying yet. Patience young grasshopper.

...to work.
posted by sasha
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cross yer fingers for me!
Right now I'm the closest I've been yet to actually getting to quit the evil weekend customer service gig. I'm getting ready to head off to one of the biggest adult ed. centres in town to be interviewed to teach a Saturday English Upgrading course. The Saturday courses are pretty unpopular with the more experienced teacher set, but I do secretly love grammar, and I'm working Saturdays as it stands right now anyway. I'd so much rather spend them teaching!

The math of career upgrading is also pretty heart warming. When I work as an instructional assistant (which is my mainstay gig right now) I make twice my customer service job rate, and when I'm working s an instructor (say, for this Saturday course) I make twice that again. What does this all mean? Teaching this 4.5 hour course would pay better than putting in a 16 hour weekend at the yup(pie)shop. So wish me luck!

In response to the first question to land in my inbox: I think they are interviewing three of us, all currently at the same seniority level. Dun-dun-dun...
posted by sasha
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what's new is new again
Seeking satisfaction, but why should I have to be consistent anyways? Indonesian web designers are cool - all the best templates I've been finding are very non-English.

Hoorah! Off to work as usual.

Doesn't it depress you that Belinda has become the image of a powerful Canadian woman?
posted by sasha
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the future

Okay, so I couldn't resist the blog template named for a Leonard Cohen song, even if the animation is a titch cheesy. For now, anyways.

I received a really nice 2 disk Cohen compilation for Christmas from my sister and listening to it reminds me why he's a Canadian great. I never had much patience for the poetry of Atwood, and I think I'd agree to a flogging in order to be spared the works of Mr. Bowering, the current laureate, so rekindling my love for Canadian poetry is increasingly necessary. I fell in love with Leonard Cohen when I was 12 or so and have heard and read many of his poems over and over. I'm still occasionally haunted by lines of his read years ago. Perhaps its his uncanny ability to stay relevant and current rather than belonging to one time or place. The Future is one of his best examples of that kind of hauntingly current verse. Go have a listen.

Then again, I think I've been humming Susanne for at least a decade...
posted by sasha
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madly beginning the new school term now, and once again I'll have 3 jobs - just enough to keep me running in circles chasing my own tail. Can't think of anyone but the board though who hires two days before the job starts. I suppose they take their Christmas break pretty seriously.

This format will have to go, I just don't have time to deal with it yet. I'll find a new template somewhere that works with the new blogger and doesn't make me want to loose my lunch.

I usually blog while getting ready in the morning, when I have absolutely no free time. I suppose that's what happens to all those things I wanted to blog - they loose out in the mad dash.
Better go scramble into some clothes, I'm running out of time.
posted by sasha
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the more things change, the more they stay the same
I've never yet found a blog template that I actually liked when I applied it, so I'm just hoping this one will somehow grow on me - and on you too - so that the comments will actually work again, and all sorts of other lovely usability issues will be resolved. I really think blogger should note that updating this often and forcing users to abandon their non-standard templates really is a drawback. The last time I had a template going I really liked, blogger puller some version of the same thing they've done now - 'upgrading,' which seems to result in an uglier blog and not much else.

at least it's not myspace (shudder).
posted by sasha
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