
I heart google image search. Pretty. German. Mmm.  Posted by Picasa
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this week in judgment
Sasha's ongoing judgment of the world present "Two Lists." I think they speak for themselves.

10 Things You Should Never Do:
  1. Say something negative about a gift you have just received.
    No matter how tacky, inappropriate, allergy-inducing, whatever, you should never insult a gift in front of it's giver. Re-gift, trade, do what you must, but someone just did something nice for you. Be nice back.
  2. Be rude to a waiter or other customer service employee.
    Your being served depends on them. How long do you want to wait for your meal? What is your desired saliva to food ratio? It pays to be polite!
  3. Swear in front of children. Especially someone else's.
    While many of us don't notice when we're in the company of little people (hint: it could be any time you're in public), try to remember that we're trying to raise them to be polite and respectful too, and they don't have your capacity for judgment. Even if you find a situation god-damned-mother-f**kingly frustrating, a youngster within ear shot may have trouble ascertaining when such commentary is and isn't appropriate. Be a role model.
  4. Bitch about something you're completely unwilling to help fix or change. Seriously folks, if I hear one more latte-sucking label whore bitch about having to step over homeless people on the street, I'm going on a shooting spree. Nuff said. (See, I'm not in the company of children. I can curse when it's warranted).
  5. Take up more than one seat in a crowded space.
    This includes buses, food courts, airports -- pretty much any public space with seats. But especially buses. Keep to one seat, even if it means your backpack has to go on the ground and might get dirty. People deserve better treatment than luggage.
  6. Say something behind a person's back that you wouldn't say to their face.
    In the end, one way or another, you'll end up explaining it in front of their face, whether it's lying or rationalizing. I'm not saying we all have to be the niceness brigade, but when you're nasty, expect word to get around. It can even be fun.
  7. Wear your shoes into someone else's home without asking.
    Muddy footprints on your floor that you have to clean up, a-okay. On someone else's? Bloody rude.
  8. Use you cell phone to call someone just because you're bored and hoping they'll entertain you (most notable on buses, in line-ups, etc.)
    This is simply cell phone abuse. Your phone should be taken away. Your loved ones are not here to be at your beck and call to entertain you while you suffer through a b-line ride.
  9. Insult someone's apparel to their face.
    I don't care how much you hate my sweater, telling me so is rude. A bit of a conundrum combined with #6, but I'm sure you're smart enough to sort it out.
  10. Make more than one cell phone call per hour (MAXIMUM!!) while socializing with others.
    I don't care if you're hanging out with friends, or a friend, or a special friend, or your family, or bloody whoever, this is inexcusably rude. Right up there with brushing your teeth or eating while on the phone with someone, which would have been number 11, were there a number 11.
Can you guess??
10 Things You Should Always Do:
  1. Offer your seat (on the bus or other situations as discussed above) to any elderly, injured, pregnant, or disabled person, or any small child.
    This again is just basic manners, which a surprising number of my fellow city-inhabitants seem to lack. You have an easier time standing than these people, so git off yer lazy butt.
  2. Smile back.
    When someone smiles at you, it feels lovely. Return the favour and I'll count you as doing your bit to improve the world.
  3. Bathe before a doctor's appointment.
    I refuse to explain this. If you don't get it, you have much bigger issues and should not be wasting your time reading the blog of some random judgy girl.
  4. Thank people who do nice things for you.
    This counts not only for people who go out of their way to help you, but also for everyone whose regular activities enrich your life. Those who prepare or sell you food, transport you, protect you, pump your gas, and generally help satisfy your demands. For a few self-interest based reasons for doing so, see #2 in the first list.
  5. Carpe diem. Seize the day.
    I don't mean we should all run around living completely impulsively, but take a walk in the rain, smell the flowers, go on an impromptu adventure, call in sick, paint a picture, and etc. when the mood strikes. It's the only proven way to prevent turning into a miserable bastard.
  6. Eat tasty food.
    Are you staring at a gorgeous, melty piece of brie? The last piece of chocolate? Ripe tomatoes? I could go on forever. This stuff was meant to be consumed, and taste is one of the greatest human senses for mood elevation. Stop calorie counting, obsessing, being preoccupied, whatever, and eat the damned thing. Repeat frequently.
  7. Have a houseplant.
    There is some kind of plant out there for everyone, no matter how many cacti you've killed, or how dank your dungeon, something will grow there, and it's presence will inexplicably cheer you up.
  8. Stop and see if those lost-looking people need directions.
    If you ever plan to travel, you will need all the direction-giving good karma you can get. Plus, when you go somewhere you don't know your way around, you'll understand how much this tens seconds of your day was appreciated.
  9. Say "excuse me" if you want to get by someone.
    Again, this is one I'd like to think is basic manners, but it just plainly isn't. I can offer two good reasons for doing this: shoving past someone instead of asking them to move is extremely rude, and I'm going to snap and break the jaw of the next person who does it to me, and it might just be you trying to get passed me. Self-preservation.
  10. Write preachy blog lists that imply you think you're perfect, when in fact you're the most flawed person you know.
    Then people might actually assume you have your act together, or if not, at least you'll get to spend a few minutes feeling self righteous, which is priceless, in the pre-mastercard-ad sense of the term.
posted by sasha
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well, I said to myself, it has been a while and you're probably running out of excuses. Time to post something. I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating some form of secular/religious/whatever winter holiday. This time of year, I think, really takes some good celebrating to survive - otherwise we'd all turn into rainclouds, puddles, and shadows. It's a bit grim out there, but at least the sun is setting later, which implies that tantalizing promise that it may in fact be summer again sometime. Not that I'm gullible enough to believe it, but somewhere in the back of my mind, some shred of optimism has me imagining picnics and sundresses. I clearly need to start spending winters in Mexico.

The self-doubt section. SO classes start again next bloody week already, and my long practicum starts at the end of January (the 30th I think). School is fine, and it's not that I actually think I'm having doubts about becoming a teacher, per se, it's just that that 13 weeks of practicum is going to be rough. Many teachers basically use the practicum as an excuse to take out how hard being a new teacher was on them on their student teacher, so instead of bunches of support, you get "figure it out for yourself" and "no-one helped me, so..." which is all a bunch of bullshit. And it's not that I particularly need anyone's help. I'm actually doing quite well at this whole thing so far. It's more like that negativity permeates everything. Everyone is always pointing fingers. The teachers are negative about the teacher ed programs, but none of them bother with suggestions on how to fix it, profs at UBC are negative about the kind of teaching that virtually all teachers end up "resorting to," and I guess the teachers feel a bit unfairly blamed, since it's a bloodly miracle they manage to accomplish anything given the scarcity of resources and support, and what they're trying to work with. About half of all teachers burn out in 5 years. If you ask me, that's completely about the lack of support - for teachers in general, but especially for beginning teachers.

I'm determined that that will not be me, but that means that I have to actually be thinking in terms of survival strategies. The most frustrating thing about the practicum isn't even the lack of support. It's the constant judgment. I'd be fine doing my own thing, and I think I could do a lot. There are some great kids at my school. But both my sponsor teachers are going to expect me to emulate them. Teach their style with their type of resources. When I'm asking for help, that's usually what it is. Not actually that I can't do it, but that I need to know how to shape what I need/want to do into something my sponsor teacher will actually approve of. I'm increasingly thinking that I'll need some space and time to recover next year, as I can't imagine I'll even still be standing by the end of this year. I'm contemplating various alternative/adult ed options as being a saner alternative to trying to enter the traditional teenage puppymill full-time off the bat. Evenings and weekends at an adult ed centre sounds damned fine to me.

See? That's why I don't usually post this kind of stuff. Because who wants to read those last few paragraphs? It's like whooppee! I'm insecure. Well aren't we all, and don't we all have enough to do coping with our own insecurities? But there you go. And this is just where my mind has ended up as the holidays draw to a close and I start contemplating next term. The holidays themselves were fantastic. I spent a lot of really beautiful time with my family and those I love. What more could I ask for? Plus, I did a bit of boxing day sale shopping yesterday, and got some really sweet potential teacher gear. If nothing else, those lousy young 'uns will respect me for being well dressed, because unlike history or grammar, that's something they actually care about.

end content.
posted by sasha
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new roomate, ipod, perspective
it's been a busy but good past couple of days. a mailman freaked me out by waking me up at 8 yeterday morning to deliver my ipod (thanks telus) that came free with my other current favorite thing: zee highspeed internet. also yesterday, Agent N, our new roomate, arrived and is settling in. it's funny becasue he's one of the only friends I had when I was a teenager with whom I didn't have one of those "Oh my god, and we'll be roomates, and we'll get this great place..." etc. moments, but I think we'll live together well. but between him and C, this is by far the most guys I've ever lived with, and the first time I've ever lived anywhere the women were outnumbered. luckily for me, I think I can keep them in line.
posted by sasha
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found this meme and I think it's great -- five habits of weird people (okay, person) -- because I do at least five weird things.

1. Reread. Books are like places and sometimes it's nice to go back for a vist, even if you already know exactly what everyone is going to day.

2. Multiple wall calendars. I can't seem to get anything done without several well-annotated grids directing me, and the more writing space allotted per day in a given calendar, the better.

3. Get tucked in. Every night. I don't sleep nearly as well if I don't. Even if I'm already sleeping when C. gets home from work, he has standing orders to come tuck me in. Yes, I'm 5.

4. Weather network junkie. I'm not overly thrilled by the prospect of having to leave the house for the day without knowing the probability of percipitation, minimum and maximum temperatures, humidity, and whether the pressure is rising or falling. Symbolic somehow.

5. Just one more? Well, either lip gloss or toenails. I'm pretty sure I couldn't even be bribed to leave the house without at least a smear of lipgloss, and my toenails are like skittles. I wouldn't be sure that they still have a natural colour except I changed shades the other day and caught a glimpse.

Awww, it's so nice to reflect on how we're all neurotic.
posted by sasha
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Protector of mankind : Greek
Peaceful, poised and understanding you do not let anyone or anything disturb your innate calm. You are tolerant of others no matter how their behaviours or beliefs differ from your own. Not attached to material or worldly affairs you are free to express your true self. Displaying great wisdom and serenity people are naturally drawn to you for guidance and counsel. Your courage and presence of mind see you through any adversity.

your turn!
posted by sasha
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Here are all the smiling happy people who were in my cohort this term. This was taken at our last-class party last week. We keep having term-end parties that aren't. Last night, for example, we had another, and all went out and danced to the Hotel Lobbyists at Crush. This weekend, we're all still writing unit plans (me especailly) and we'll virtually all be on campus on Monday. This is the term that refuses to end.  Posted by Picasa
posted by sasha
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faster than I am
after only two days of hold music, our adsl is finally working, and boy is she lovely. Too bad I'm going to spend all day in smelly classrooms - I could learn more here.

Still working on unit plans, and still complaining about them.

Also, trying to come up with stuff I want for Christmas, but by brain just isn't there yet. Must drag out the driftwood santa soon, it might help.

Only another week (slightly less) until I have to be done all this and free again! Shortbread cookies, oh yes, I will bake shortbread cookies.
posted by sasha
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eating thistles
I will now spend today outlining all of the lessons for my social studies unit plan on 19th century BC. Whoop. It's not even worth the de-doo. My life has gotten pretty dull as of late, without getting any less busy.
posted by sasha
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