and now the news
writing my first exam today. I can't help but think that lit exams are a bit stupid and it'd be far superior to discuss said lit and grade students on that. The problem with an exam: no one to disagree with but myself. In other news:
  • my new least favorite poem: Wordsworth's Prelude. Not only is it NOT a prelude to anything, but it's self indulgent, boring, navel gazing that seeks only to explain how W. ended up a mediocre poet who only writes about the way trees look in his mind.
  • days till the departure of my roomate: gods willing, 13
  • days till the return of my mother and little sister: omg! 16!!!
  • number of exams next week: 2
  • and the following week: 2

Party party party.

Have a least favorite poem, author, story or collection? Do share.

posted by sasha
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