one thing at a time

I am writing a paper. My universe consists of books, articles, pens, lots of paper, a little bit of internet, and a whole lot of multiple regression analysis tables. Aren't electoral studies just so much fun? I mean, I know I should be deeply intrigued by the impact of religiosity on political information levels, but frankly, I'm a bit sick of this crap. And after I finish writing this paper, I will be writing another paper, this time on the bard, and possibly on expressions of interiority and national identity in Henry V, which is quite possibly the only essay topic in the universe more dull than my current one, hence I am seeking a replacement. And shortly after I finish that paper, I will be writing another paper, but finally one on something interesting: the UN High Commission on Refugees. Really, I'm dying of excitement, and my dazzeling social life is the envy of all who know me... or something.
posted by sasha
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