Well well. I don't think I could have generated as much controversy as I did with the post awhile back about my pal Dov if I'd actually been trying. I sure got a lot of nasty e-mails, and on the whole was alarmed by how many people seem to use vice magazine as their bible.
One point that came up a lot was the whole "but other people are worse" line, which is of course cute, because it has the obvious retort "but other companies didn't make their millions of CLAIMING to be good." Clearly a company that claims to have ethics and values that guide their business should be held to a higher standard.
A number of people were also upset and claimed I was "telling peeple" [sic] what to do. Alas, no, I did not do this. Although I certainly wish I could control much of the population, the reality of that would be frustrating and futile. All I do is make my decisions. You make yours. This comment clearly stems from my condemnation of an action (giving more $$ to the company currently at issue), however an inability to differentiate condemnation from control simply suggests that perhaps a great number of us could have used a logic and argumentation class somewhere along the way.
Oh dear! My catty tone seems to have returned too. Wonder who I'll offend now. Tis a field of landmines after all - don't say I didn't warn you. If you want to believe everything I say is intended dead-pan literally, then don't read this next line where I'm going to suggest that Stephen Harper (yes, you should have stopped reading by now) should be tied to the side of a barn and horse whipped.
As much as I do enjoy indulging people (especially when they're being self-righteous) I will now be putting this issue to bed. I will not answer further e-mails on the topic (unless you actually manage a unique argument, but that hasn't happened for weeks, so don't hold your breath) nor will I be replying to further messages posted hear.
My last word on the topic is this: relative silence doesn't mean nothing's going on. For all those who claimed this was hearsay or that there was too little information, let's remember that Dov paid all of the women he raped (allegedly) and abused (repeatedly) to keep their mouths shut. He bought their silence wholesale and tried to repackage it and sell it back to us. I'm just sad so many were willing to buy.
This has already been given far too much airtime. It ends here.
See? Over! This line is about how the Harper govt's budget, with it's billion dollar cuts in a year of many billions of surplus, makes me queasier than a US spinach consumer riding a tiltawhirl.
Hey Canada, have you figured out yet that we can't all be Alberta? (and thank dog for that!)