pretense of normalcy

all regular life function have been suspened for six weeks or so while the nation of me functioned under a war measures act, and we're now trying to revert to a civilian lifestyle. I still have one exam to write on Monday, and lots of studying to do, but I still only have four or five major things on my mind, as opposed to the evil hordes of stress inducing demons that were running the show for the past little while. If I get enough work done this morning (and gee, I'm off to such a good start, eh?) I might even head down to Canada's biggest shoe sale.
posted by sasha
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Five details about you...
[x] I don't like being alone
[x] I think I used to know how to save the world, but I don't anymore
[x] I'm a cat person
[x] I'm growing roses on my windowsill
[x] I wrote the story of my life for one of my term papers this year

Five details about your appearance right now...
[x] I'm wearing the blue silk bathrobe Chen (my little sister) gave me for Christmas
[x] And my turquoise ring that I always wear (from Cam's dad)
[x] My shoulders are just a little bit pink still from being out in the sun this weekend
[x] My natural haircolour is showing itself, and I have neither the time nor the money to do anything about it
[x] My toenails are red

Five things you did yesterday...
[x] Put together a job application
[x] Cooked dinner
[x] Went to a talking circle
[x] Walked up the Drive
[x] Watched the Daily Show Jon Stewart (best show on TV)

Five memorable things you did in the last year...
[x] Moved out
[x] Wrote some really good papers
[x] Reconcilled with an old friend
[x] Took up yoga
[x] Learned how to cook a roast

Five favourite groups (at the moment)...
[x] CR Avery
[x] Santana (old stuff)
[x] The Cowboy Junkies
[x] The Mamas and the Papas
[x] Misc. cheesy old crap (think Buggles)

Five favourite movies...
[x] The Usual Suspects
[x] Full metal Jacket
[x] Brazil
[x] Total Recall (see it because you'll have to laugh)
[x] Chasing Amy
(gee, I guess I'm in a weird mood...)

Five things that make you happy...
[x] Cam
[x] Sunny walks
[x] Kittens, even the odd cat
[x] Getting As
[x] Strawberries

Five things that impress you...
[x] Self-Awareness
[x] Being genuinely considerate
[x] A good mix of intellect and savy
[x] People who can admit when they're wrong
[x] Taking responsibility for one's actions (owning it)

Five things that don't impress you...
[x] Poor me syndrome
[x] Too much money, too little brains (and the SUVs that drive them)
[x] People who don't get at least 3 or 4 out of 5 on the list above this one
[x] Not standing upfor what you believe in
[x] Basic structure of our society (we're destroying the world, ask me how!)

Five things you can't live without...
[x] White t-shirts
[x] Fruit
[x] Pesto
[x] Sunshine
[x] A good book
posted by sasha
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current events:

Political Ideology 101: Everyone got their knickers all up in knots a few days ago when Mr. Doshanjh became a member of the federal Liberal party and announced he would be running in Vnacouver South as a candidate under Mr. Martin. There were all kinds of wonderful rants written in to my favorite local lefty rags, mostly accusing him of being amoral and having no real beliefs, being willing to do anything to get elected, etc. What this all make me wonder is aren't we looking at this backwards? Rather than the evil-slimey-politician assumption, shouldn't we attempt to look at the actual positions these various parties occupy on the political spectrum? I'm sure Mr. Dosanjh would rather eat his children than run under the G-Cam Liberal, they're far too right-wing for him (eww and most of the rest of us too). On the other hand, if we compare the actual policy records from the last decade or so of federal Liberal leadership with those of our provincial NDP -- voila! We have two parties who, despite their names or claims, both subscribe to essentially the same political ideology, and hence two parties between which Mr. Dosanjh could hop as often as he likes without encountering much in the way of ideological dissonance.

In the words of the wise, we now turn our attention to Mess'OPotamia: More troops to Iraq, eh George? I think by this point we've likey all seen this coming. In fact, I think that even before the war in Iraq a lot of us knew this was coming. How? Do you know a better way to answer the question of how to ensure that only a pro-US government gets into and stays in power in Iraq than the continued presence of our good friends the US military? Unless Sadam truly was some evil warlock who had merely enspelled his citizens and now that he's gone the spell has been broken and they're all showing their true colours as fun-loving, tang-drinking, mtv-watching Americans of tomorrow over there, I don't think that we really had any right to expect that, with their country bombed to shit and their leader imprisoned and humiliated, they would all start cheering in the streets to celebrate their new leaders. Yet somehow the Americans seem as surprised as I think the Romans must once have been that their newly conquored citizen don't seem all too happy to be joining the "civilized" world. Yes, Sadam was evil, but warlock I doubt, and I can't help but think that given the nice long history of successful coups, if the Iraqi people had really wanted him disposed, they would have done it them damned selves, if for no other reason but than to ensure that they, and not Bush (whose judement we all know to be questionable at best), get to pick the new leader. So intead, let's call a sheep a sheep and see this all as the elementary school yard fight it is,. where Sadam gets the shit kicked out of him for standing up to someone with a lot more backup than he has, and a son in line ofr the presidency promising to kick the crap out of anything daddy puts an "evil" sticker on. After all, like the divine act of grace that bestowed upon us both Thatcher and Regan at the same time, so to is it an act of god that Bushie came 'round to clean up after daddy. And with gods like that, hey, we don't even NEED a devil anymore.
posted by sasha
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In Summary

- Term paper writing is officially done, total of 39 pages (in the form of two papers) prepared for submission today
- Now preparing for the April 18th departure of my Mother (rather than the March date, which clearly has passed)
- Also preparing for Thursday's computer science lab final (Ahhh! She blinded me with science)
- and easter with the fam
- and hedonism day, to be celebrated Friday by staying in bed all day and eating ice cream in my pyjamas.
posted by sasha
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From one word to the other
what I say vanishes.
I know that I am alive
between two parentheses.

(from Certainty, Octavio Paz)
posted by sasha
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