I never thought I'd find myself cheering on Danny Williams, but in this case, Danny boy said it best. What do Canadians need from this election? To learn our A-B-Cs:
Anything But Conservative.
As we sat on the couch last night, C and I discussed hypothetical election outcomes, of which we identified 8 (given four parties with sufficient candidates to possibly form government and a minority/majority option for each). We concluded that there is only really one that worries us, the conservative majority. Any of the other 7 would be survivable at worst, because none of the other leaders demonstrate the same kind of extreme ideological approach to governance that Harper does. When ever I hear anyone suggest that Canadians don't need to worry about Harper based on his actions since the 06 election, I remind then that that pony has been carefully corralled by having to function as a minority government, and we all stand to lose (think essential Canadian policies like universal health care) if that pony gets loose in the pasture.
The election is the day after my birthday, so I'm asking Canada for a present. This year, all I really want is a new PM.