frustrated inc.
grrar. Lesson planning as always. ALl I do is sit in front of the computer these days. Already 8:00 and I still only have one of my two lessons for tomorrow planned, not to mention marking to do. I just keep glancing at my calendar on the wall. 11 days left.

In much more pleasant news, I've been chatting with my mom about preparations for her wedding, which is now only just over a week away!!!

tired and grumpy, signing off.
music: typing
mood: headache-y
pastime: whining
posted by sasha
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6 hours of marking later...
my eyeballs are so ready to fall out, and yet there's still so much more to do. *sigh* I haven't even started plannin glessons for next week yet either. Folly? Probably, but this girls needs some flake out time. I'll mark more after Jeopardy. That's the official plan anyways...

Countdown is on.
Two more weeks of teaching full time. 4 classes with my SS10s, and 5 with my ENGL11s. FOr the last week, I only have my grade 8s and poetry performances by my 11s.
Then, a week of rest.

Then, back to UBC. There's something charming about UBC summer session though - sunshine and a peaceful campus.

That's enough typing for now.
posted by sasha
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four days of sleep.

almost there.
posted by sasha
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i just had a conversation with my father for the first time in, ummm, i'd say almost seven years. i'd characterize it as having been peaceful. but disturbing too, on some things-happening-totally-out-of-the-blue type-level. i'm supposed to be getting work done now, but, ah, i'm not quite back there just yet. i feel much more like chain smoking. what he most wanted to know was whether i'd been writing.
posted by sasha
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i'd like to say
things are getting better
this is all getting easier
it all makes sense to me now
I'm starting to feel like I know what I'm doing
I see bright things on the near horizon
I feel like it's all downhill from here
coast to the finish line
It'll be here in no time
I'm great at this

for everything I figure out
or for everything I do well,
there is another layer, level of things to take into account
I'm still prone to waking up on the weekend heavy with tears
and things I'm not sure I can face
if anything it's harder because there's always a next thing
I still feel like I'm conducting a chemistry experiment with unlabled vials
under strict observation, with expertise expected
I'm starting to feel like a goldfish being watched by cats
I just want to believe that there is a horizon, that I might make it there
this is an uphill battle, every step
and progress is not guarenteed
*just let this end*
let me survive this
posted by sasha
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