we all knew this was true anyways, right?
(stolen from Kat, thanks!)
speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by sasha
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keeping up on your reading
have you been here lately? You really should go.
posted by sasha
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long weekend still not long enough, critics argue

and consider me a critic. I only got about half of what I wanted to get done this weekend actually done, but I did manage do accomplish a thing or two I hadn't intended too, so not all is lost. And I got my first little bit of a sunburn yesterday, which sucks, but doing my homework in the park yesterday was so worth it. Vanessa is graduating on Thursday, and you could pop by here to leave her a message. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
posted by sasha
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sorry, this should actually be the link... right here
posted by sasha
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you're reading this, so that means you can't be doing anthing that important right now, so go read this, it's good for you
posted by sasha
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Proof that the world's most wonderful 12 year old (okay, my little sister) has survived and is flourishing in England:

as for Traveling we went to Exmouth, Exeter (in Devon) were we went to Mera's (Ajay's sister) who is very nice and lives in the coutry wich is soooooo Beautifull and right by the beach wich has tons of huge red cliffs on it and as for the house it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AMASING ( but not Mera's she just rents the attic) but well the Lady who owned the house was out of the town we had run of the house and we got to stay in the gorgeous guest room it was a huge completely old fashion brick mansion with ivy running all up the front and in the inside (exept for the modern tolet and kitchen appliences and telivisions) the whole house was completely fancy, old fashioned, high ceilinged lovely house with every bit the proper winow curtans and facy lace pillows on the window seat it was so cool every moment felt like being on a pride and predjudice set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and then we went to Glastonbury and went to the tor up the ginormous hill ( great view!) and that my Friends is the heart center of the entire Hippie world !!!!!! i have never seen so many hippies in my life!!!! and thats not all they were all hippies and everything had odd names like even the dentist ofice was called the dancing unicorn dentist and a cafe called the Aquarian moon cafe and there was a home canabiss growing shop and a souffy charity shop that sold hippie religion devices to the poorer people (not joking aboput any of this)

See? Cutest ever. Can you tell she went to immersion and learned to spell in French first? I'm so lucky.
posted by sasha
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I went to see Kat's performance of Jesus Christ Superstar last night with Vanessa, my Grandpa and his wife and it was really brilliant. Kat made a fantastic evil priest, even though I'm not sure she was thrilled with having to play on eof the villans. I used to always get cast as an evil character too, and I wonder what it says about us...

In other news I am getting better, though I still sound like a frog, and am getting ready to apply for a new job and start classes next week. Starting next week I will be in classes from 7-10pm Monday-Thursday. Ohh I love the night life... and my new inability to have one... yeah.
posted by sasha
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wahn wahn wahn wahn wahn

i'm sick. my voice sounds like the gibberish adult voice in charlie brown movies. my throat is swollen huge and i've eaten nothing but liquids for two days... yay soup! the way i really knoew i'm sick though: i slept for ten hours friday night, took two naps totaling over two and a half hours yesterday and have just recently woken up from sleeping for twelve hours last night. i think i need a nap.
posted by sasha
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