life is like a box of/a box of/a box of...

okay, I don't know, but it's really full. been to a couple of great peotry/music gigs lately that were amazing, and I'm even reading again this thursday at the Olive if anyone wants to come down (contact me for details). Other than that, I'm experimenting with being destitutely poor and still eating. so far so good. it's amazing what you can accomplish when you're well loved. SO thanks everyone who's been so good to me lately. M&N it was great to see you guys -- M, you know where I live... use that knowledge. K-coeur, I'm assuming you didn't return my phone call because you're super busy, but I'd love to hear from you whenever you get a chance. That's all for now. Be good, but mostly have fun xxoo
posted by sasha
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